Chechu Arribas, alias @fotografíadeacciónchechu, is a sportsman and photographer who has captivated us and we now almost consider family due to his faithful relationship with Uller . He represents Uller's feeling and his lens captures it in each of his images, which have talent behind them, but above all an infinity of effort and dedication. He also has a continuous and extensive experience of trial and error, from which he has always risen, pushed by his two passions: extreme sports and action photography
In this article we wanted to look through a peephole at his experiences and his work, his day to day, to see ourselves involved in that courage that gives off. For this reason, we bring you for the first time a small photographic report of this great wonder, who has dedicated a few words to contextualize his images:
“I am well aware that this type of photography is a complicated specialty, difficult to make a living from and that sometimes puts you in compromising situations where giving 200% is not an option.
Before dedicating myself to photography professionally, he practiced many of the disciplines that he photographed today: climbing, skiing, rescue; and I have always been attracted to the wildest variant of all these modalities... I liked skiing, but off-piste; I liked skydiving, but I preferred the freedom and wildness of jumping in the mountains; I liked climbing and I focused on icy walls and dry tooling areas….
By this I mean that it's the wildest and most extreme part that catches my attention. And it is that, in this type of photography, the fact that the preparation prior to the session is a very important part of taking good images, makes everything count. Even the moment of being at home, in front of the computer editing the material, is valuable.
Extreme action photography tries to fill that gap in action sports, where the technique for the development of the shooting is more than 50% of a good session.
freeriding, base jumping ice climbing, dry tooling, paragliding, mountain races, mountaineering, rescue in natural environment, extreme snowboarding ... All of them are disciplines where there are brutal images that are waiting for you to be in the right place and at the right time to be able to capture those seconds of pure magic.
My way of understanding and working with this type of photography is based on my experience as a practitioner and, on every mistake I made and from which I learned more than from the works where I received praise and congratulations.
This selection that I present to you are some of those images that it was so hard for me to get out of my head to capture with the camera, I hope you like them as much as I do."
We hope that these photos have given you an adrenaline rush as well as restored the desire to climb a mountain, whatever the modality. Chechu always trusts our brand, that's why we can firmly say that for any extreme experience, Uller will have Premium quality accessories to give you the best possible experience.