Los peinados para esquiar perfectos para ella


Now that the peaks are beginning to be covered in snow, you will need to have everything ready to enjoy your favorite winter sport. Having a repertoire of thoughtful hairstyles will facilitate the days that you are going to spend in the snow.

At Uller we want to give you some ideas for your hairstyles, so that while you ski or snow, you are comfortable and cool.


It is the quintessential hairstyle for wearing a helmet and keeping your hair tidy, looking good and not easily ruffled while you play sports. After separating the hair in the middle with a central parting, make a braid on each side. To give it a personal touch you can put a rubber band at the end with a button that you have previously sewn on the hair band, in the haberdashery you can find them in resin or plastic with very funny shapes such as animals or trinkets.

You can also first make two pigtails, one on each side, before starting the braids and use some thin elastic plastic rubber bands, which are hardly visible and are easily found in supermarkets. In the same rubber band, tie a piece of colored ribbon with a knot, so that it does not slip or fall, even if you do not see it as complicated, you can put two or three ties of different colors and use them together with each of the divisions. of the hair to make the braids. To finish them, you will do it again with the invisible thin rubber bands. These colored ribbons give an ethnic touch to the hairstyle, bring color and joy to the dance floor, you can also easily combine it with your outfit, you will not go unnoticed.

Trenzas para esquiar para ella Uller


With this hairstyle your hair will be tied up under the helmet, but when you take it off, you will surprise and keep your hair styled. For this, after dividing the hair in two, make two very high ponytails, one on each side with two thin rubber bands. From there, make two braids and join their ends behind and below.

It is interesting to review the history of this hairstyle. Already 3500 years before Christ, in Africa, specifically in Namibia, women began to use it as a symbol to distinguish themselves between different tribes. By the different forms that it presents, they transmitted information such as age, the relationship they had, the status and the caste to which they belonged. It also served to socialize, since it took a long time to do them, thus causing a reason for a meeting in which the girls attended and watched to learn. Throughout history they have continued to be used as a sign of high social class in all civilizations: the Egyptians used them in their wigs, the Romans on the back of their up-dos, the Greeks wrapped their heads in braids, the Vikings decorated them with metals. Although in the West they covered their hair out of modesty during various civilizations, under the veil, women wore the two milkmaid's braids that were held in the shape of a diadem. And from 1800 and 1900 they were back in fashion and in sight in different forms.

Peinados para esquiar para ella Uller

Nowadays, celebrities use braids in their hairstyle at different events, also to distinguish themselves and give a nuance to their outfit. Although it is true that braids are recommended for sweet faces, without marked features, since they accentuate our facial features. We will tell you below some hairstyles that have fascinated us and that celebrities have worn. Scarlett Johansson, for example, wore this updo for the premiere of "The Avengers" in 2012, opting for an elegant and romantic braid crown. The singer Belinda also did it for her video clip “En la oscuridad”, in the Frida Kahlo style, with a line down the middle.

For those who follow the trends, you will already know that the baby braids are back, in 2021 we are reviving the fashion of these small braids on the sides of the face, that give a boho touch, and that we already had in 2001 with butterfly clips, flared pants and platform shoes included.

The celebrities who wear them very well are Hailey Baldwin, the wife of singer Justin Bieber, who wore a pair of said braids on each side of her face, combining them with a green fisherman hat; or the actress Margot Robbie, who showed off them on the red carpet and the fact that she finished them without subjection caused a sensation. We also liked Kylie Jenner, the youngest of the Kardasians, who decorated them with golden beads, while wearing a khaki green bikini on the beach


If your option is going to be to wear a turban-type bandana to shelter your ears and forehead, the classic high and tight bun will allow you not to mess up your hair, nor will your hair bother you. You can use the donut to make it a nice round and big shape. You can easily find this accessory in the beauty section of the supermarket, it is very light and gives a very generous shape to your bun. As an image consultancy secret, we can tell you that the big bow is used so that the rest of the face and body look more refined, due to the volume contrast that is generated. You make the high ponytail first, then you pass the donut to the base of the ponytail, and then you open the hair like a banana peel to cover it, place it around it and hold it with bun clips, which you can find in the same beauty section. With this high bun idea you can make a braid and twist it to form a braided bun and fix it like this with bobby pins. If you fix it with the same rubber band at the end of the braid, it will be more disassembled in an ascending and casual way.You can also make a Top Knot, which is a very high updo, like a bow, but not well done; it is rather uneven. You can use it if your hair is not long enough to do one of the braid hairstyles. It looks great especially if you have bangs.

We want to tell you a curiosity about the history of the bun-type hairstyle, and that is that it began to be used in ancient Greece. It was worn by both men and women. The latter held it with gold and ivory hairpins, while the men with a gold clasp in the shape of a grasshopper, just as the history of the Peloponnesian war by Thucids marks; the bun was the specific hairstyle of the city of Athens.

Moño para esquiar peinados Uller mujer

The bow has remained, throughout history and today, as a hairstyle for parties and special occasions, but also for sports: it all depends on how it is combined and the type of finish on the hairstyle.

The famous people who have lashed out at us the most are the Spanish Paz Vega at the 2019 Latin Grammys, who wore them with bangs, and Leticia Ortiz on the official trip to Cuba, who wore them half-length head for the evening acts.

TWISTED Ponytail

This hairstyle will allow you to look good with a hat, ear muffs or a helmet. In addition, it is solved in less than 5 minutes. And it's trending topic. Create a low ponytail, open a space above the elastic with your fingers, and pull the ponytail through. The elastic is hidden and the ponytail has a V-shaped effect.

Peinados para esquiar mujer Uller



In the snow, they reflect the sun's rays and that's why we burn so easily the parts of our skin that are exposed. It is mandatory to use sun protection and the highest on the face, also on the lips, use a special cocoa that hydrates them and preferably that is not greasy so as not to dirty your clothes.

But face makeup is not advisable since, with the accessories and possible sweat, it is very possible that you will get spots from the absence of makeup on your skin that magically pass to your accessories that you use near the expensive. Another thing is to use a concealer for dark circles and mascara with the eye contour, to enhance our eyes, something that can also be waterproof. And don't worry about the blush, because it will come out on its own and naturally if the sun shines a little.


There are bandanas that are placed over the hair or as turbans. You can also use a headband-type turban, or a classic elastic headband to tidy up the hair under the helmet and when we take it off. These options are very practical if we have the bob style haircut, which is a short straight hair.


Hair in the snow is damaged by the intensity of the sun's rays. Just like the skin, more than anything it dries out, so it is convenient to have used a super moisturizing shampoo and a mask beforehand. It is also important to repeat the operation when you need to wash it again after having been in the snow. That is the best protection you can give your hair, before using more products that can dirty your hair and perhaps dry it out if they contain alcohol derivatives.

Lola Peinados Uller

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