Training routine to strengthen mind, body and spirit
Since the 70s, the figure of the personal trainer was already triumphing, which was born as a formula to optimize sports training. The technique within this field has not stopped advancing and a branch has emerged within the world of the personal trainer that, starting from the base of sport and physical fitness, has approached treating mental health, communicating self-help techniques and transmit a training that is also focused on knowing how to adapt to many of the vital situations that could cost us more to manage. The situation we have been experiencing since 2020 has encouraged us to isolate ourselves more and spend less time surrounded by our loved ones. This has also affected the way we practice sports and conditions us when planning our training.
As a result of the pandemic caused by COVID-19, a feeling of collective stress, anxiety and depression has been generated. For this reason, practicing sports is now more important than ever, since training helps our body to secrete endorphins, which are chemical components that favor the feeling of happiness and well-being. Furthermore, when our body adapts to the stress that training can generate, that same adaptation can also be applied to other situations in your life. Nowadays, many people have become accustomed to following a training routine at home resorting to the figure of the online personal trainer for reasons of comfort and safety, but this, in the long run, can come to increase the feeling of isolation and loneliness.
It is important to remember that a training routine beneficial to health will never be achieved if we do not accompany sport with a healthy diet. Mental health, physical exercise and eating a balanced diet are connected concepts. It must be taken into account that not all training sessions are the same, knowing how to eat before and after playing sports is important to achieve our goals and not obtain counterproductive results.
The best results are achieved with the right nutrition, but sometimes it can be difficult to find the answer to what to eat before training and what to eat after training, or when to consume pre-workout supplements, that is why we suggest tips below that can give you ideas to organize your meals based on the type of training you are going to do.
A couple of hours before your resistance workout, you can eat a high-carbohydrate meal and some protein, and eat a high-carbohydrate snack up to 10 minutes before training. Some ideas that might add up or inspire you to create your own recipes are to have a beetroot smoothie or a quinoa salad. Foods like bananas are also ideal to include in your diet if you can't think of what to eat before training. Before going into a workout crossfit or other type of strength training you can also have a meal rich in carbohydrates and protein two to three hours before starting and snack on a small snack or a pre-workout supplement rich in protein up to 10 minutes before playing sports. Some recipe ideas are a smoothie bowl or protein pancakes.
You have to be aware that the best way to obtain protein sources is through a balanced diet, and pre-workout supplements are a good idea when the food you have ingested is not enough in relation to the training you have done.
We recommend that you wait about 30 minutes before eating once you have finished your resistance routine or your running trainer has left you at a minimum. Combine carbohydrates and protein in your meal. You can have a vegan smoothie or an avocado pasta salad. Broccoli, a food rich in vitamin C, or yogurt, which accelerates recovery and protects muscles, are a good option to solve the question of what to eat after training.
After strength training, also hold for another 30 minutes before eating. Include protein-rich foods in your meal and do not include a lot of carbohydrates. You can opt for a refreshing protein smoothie or a baked sweet potato dish with egg. If you have any questions or want to do a more in-depth follow-up based on your body and your needs, you can contact a personal trainer so that they can prepare a personalized plan for you on what to eat before training or what to eat after training.
Today, the figure of the personal trainer specialized in practically all sports disciplines has grown exponentially. Below, we offer you different routines that you can practice both at the gym and at home, proposals for you to find your trusted cycling trainer or running trainer that you need to start move.
The crossfit training arises as a military training whose objective is that the military be prepared to face any challenge that may arise. This discipline is very versatile and combines weight lifting, strength, endurance, flexibility and power. We propose some routines so that you can perform or start in the crossfit training:
- The first one lasts half an hour and consists of combining three exercises that work different areas of the body. It must be repeated one after the other until completing the 30 minutes that the training lasts. The first exercise involves performing 5 pull-ups (chin-ups), followed by the second exercise which involves performing 10 push-ups (push-ups), and finally the third which involves performing 15 squats. You can do this workout at home or at the gym.
- The second workout, you can also do it in the gym or you can turn it into a training routine at home. The exercise consists of combining three series for 20 minutes, each one for one minute. The first consists of doing 20 Push-ups, the second 25 sit ups, and the third, 35 Air-squats. The series should be repeated in this order for 7 minutes.
Living in a big city sometimes limits a little the possibilities of taking the bike and going out to do a complete workout without traffic, cars or surrounded by nature. However, if you are looking for a cycling coach and you live in Madrid, the Siclo team may be a good alternative for you. The team of Siclo offers training with stationary bikes, accompanied by music to train current.
If what you are looking for is to get started in the world of running and you don't know very well how to start or what routine to follow, don't worry, there are many alternatives among which you can choose the most appropriate depending on what you are looking for or need. Among them, we recommend that you download the Adidas Running app, which acts as a virtual running trainer, where you can record your workouts, see your training statistics and request plans custom training. Plus, you can join their virtual races and get motivated to keep running.
As a result of the 2020 confinement, almost infinite online sports platforms emerged that acquired the role of online personal trainer during those months. The trend of doing training at home continues today and the offer continues to grow. We leave you some of the most complete platforms so you can join the home training routines.
- Group HIIT: It is an online personal trainer that offers home training routines separated by the parts of the body to work; by the type of training you do; by time that you have available and even by groups to whom each training session is directed. The trainer does not speak, nor is there music to train. His videos are straight to the point.
- David Aguado: On the other hand, if you are interested in cycling, cycling coach David Aguado can turn your training at home into a very attractive alternative. On his channel there is a wide variety of sessions and training sessions of all kinds. Of course, with music to train always, so that the training is more motivating.
- Bob Bodi: This team functions as a single personal trainer who introduces himself as “Bob, your personal wellness guru”. It is a channel that offers various methods of training at home.
- Ffitcoco: In 2020, the influencer and Pilates instructor became the benchmark for online classes that were most similar to going to the gym. She taught live and on-demand classes of Pilates, yoga, toning routines and even became the running trainer par excellence in the living rooms of all homes. He currently continues to upload routines weekly to his Instagram account (@ffitcoco) and has also created a blog called ffitcoco house where you can find a wide variety of home training routines, nutrition tips, and even travel ideas.
Music can have a very positive effect on our training. It helps us improve our performance, as it has been shown that exercising with music helps you motivate yourself. It is important to choose music that you like. workout music also makes it easier to maintain a steady pace during running sessions or strength training. The recommended rate is 120 to 130 bpm. The higher the tempo of the music, the easier it will be for your training to be more powerful. A study on sport and music from the Research Institute for Sport and Exercise Sciences in the United States revealed that there is a direct relationship between the rhythm of music and the speed at which cyclists pedal. The faster the music, the more powerful the pedaling of these athletes.
Through sport, we not only train the body, but we calm the mind and motivate ourselves to eat better. If you want to start in the world of training, either by going to the gym or from home, don't think twice and do it! Always try that your sports routines are guided, do not forget to take care of your mental health and be patient, the results do not come from one moment to another.