Although we all tend to associate festivals with summer, it would not be fair for this to be exclusively the case for snow lovers; This is why these three festivals have taken it upon themselves to bring the best music to the snowy peaks of our country (not counting, of course, Marchica, which is a milestone in our beloved winter festival).
To begin with, we are going to the Aragonese Pyrenees, specifically to the Candanchú station. This has kilometers of slopes, a lot of experience with alpine skiing and, although it is not the favorite for those who seek the most vertiginous descents, it is very common for beginners in this sport. In addition, the station is surrounded by multiple hotels, restaurants and the occasional festival. Yes, you heard right. The station was not only the first to open in Spain, but now it has also hosted the Snowdaze electronic music festival since 2019, to continue winning medals. This offers two nights of music and two days of skiing, offering very complete packs that go from only the pass to the festival (the best for those who go skiing and are crazy about partying without getting hot in summer and with a coat in winter). , even the most complete, with accommodation, ski passes, tickets to the festival and rental of ski equipment (these are ours). The festival was held for the first time in 2019 and was a milestone, bringing artists such as Danny Avila, Dj Nano, Tanzmann, Dennis Cruz, Les Castizos… Party at sunset, and during the day? ? Well, in addition to skiing, the festival organized multiple activities to keep attendees busy. Non-stop, let's go!
The image that we show you is from the event held in 2019, and although the intention was for it to be repeated in 2020 with a brutal line up, made up of names like Taao Kross, Andrea Oliva, Emyl Rmos, Joseam, Dj Nano and many others, this was not possible due to the Covid-19 pandemic, which also affected its postponement in 2021 due to the restrictions that these entailed. But hey, this is not the time to get nostalgic because this festival promises to return in 2022, the proof of this is that, as of today, all the tickets are sold out and we don't know if they will return for this season, so we will have to be very attentive in case there will be places. The station has 50 km of slopes, and the attendees at the first edition were almost 3,000. some will have to be left for us!
And straight from the border with France we go to the “warm” Andalusia, because our next engagement with the white party is in Sierra Nevada, in Granada. This station at the top of the capital of Granada, has almost 108 skiable km and slopes of all levels, in addition to having been a candidate for the Olympic Games Winter and having been organized there Snowboard and Freestyle World Championships. What else does it offer us? Beyond the Sun and Snow festival, we can try Russian sledging, ski biking, go paragliding, trekking or see exciting exhibitions of riders, both skiing and snowboarding. The latter are organized by the festival itself. oh! Haven't you heard yet that the Sun and Snow Festival is going on? It is a music festival in this station that began to take place in 2018, Animal Picnic, DJ Tennis, Matrixxman, Audiofly, Agoria, Oxia have passed through it.
The Sun and Snow Festival was born with the solid proposal of establishing itself on three pillars: music, snow sports and sustainability. Yes, you heard right, a sustainable festival has been born. This was carried out through various actions: staff training prior to the start of the event, multiple disposal of containers to keep the environment clean, products purchased from local suppliers and the use of recycled and biodegradable materials for the cups, for example) . These were some among many other actions, such as awareness training for the public and mobility plans that reduced the use of the vehicle to promote other modes of transport. Let's not forget that Sierra Nevada is in a Natural Park and must be respected and cared for as such.
This alternative and revolutionary festival, signed by and for generation Z, like the previous one, promises a return in 2022 after the suspense of the 2020 edition. In 2020 the line up consisted of Red Axes, Nastia, Denis Horvat and many others. To this day we do not know if these will continue in the 2022 edition or there will be changes, and as in the previous one, the tickets are not available. A 3-day experience of international and national electronics, combined with the winter sport par excellence and a dose of environmental awareness that is distributed in three stages.
We have left for last the festival that got tired of electronics and championed national artists such as Miss Cafeina, Izal and Guitarricadelafuente.Yes, we're talking about Polar Sound, the festival that takes place neither more nor less than in Baqueira-Beret (as if we couldn't ask for more from this season of which we have spoken so much). Little remains to be said about Baqueira, so we are going directly to the festival, but we remind you that you have several articles such as 10 après oki plans that you can do in Baqueira-Beret in the that we tell you more about this station and its wide offer.
The Polar Sound, hmmm... The last (and first) time it was organized was in December 2019, the edition with which it was nominated for the Iberian Festival Awards 2020. This two-day festival is organized by Fever, and as a characteristic is that it does not have a specific date on which it takes place, but you have to be attentive to the fact that the tickets are available in the app. You can attend it whether or not you combine your festival spirit with skiing or snowboarding, since tickets are sold only for the festival or combined with ski passes to make the most of those 48 hours in the Catalan Pyrenees. In addition, the organizers took care of thinking of everything, making buses available from points such as Madrid and Barcelona that would take you directly to this experience that promised to leave you frozen. Like the previous two, its next edition has not been resumed, but unlike this one, to date, it has not announced when its next edition would be (although we trust that there will be ).
THE MOST ASKED…But, what about these great events how do you have to dress? Well, to start with the sports equipment, that is, our beloved boards and boots, we must leave them aside for a while so that they allow us access . As it is outdoors we recommend that you go quite warmly. This is the opportunity to show off your most colorful and festive ski coats and jackets.And what is the essential accessory for any festival? Of course, glasses are a must at any party. For these occasions you will be looking for ski goggles with styles and colors that stand out, so we recommend that you take a look at our website where you will surely find yours.
Three major festivals have been organized on ski slopes in Spain: Polar Sound, in Baqueira; Sun and Snow, in the Sierra Nevada; and Snowdaze, in Candanchú.
In Snowdaze and Sun&Snow the artists are national and international electronic, while Polar Sound is committed to national indie-rock and pop-rock.
The supposed dates of these festivals are Snowdaze in March and Sun and Snow in April. With regard to Polar Sound, the date is unknown and this may vary according to the Fever platform, which is who organizes it. The only time it was held was in December.
Tickets can be purchased on the respective websites of each of the first two and, from Polar Sound, through the Fever platform.
The three festivals combine sports (skiing or snowboarding) during the day with music in the evening. In addition, they offer accommodation and other complementary activities such as exhibitions. You can also buy tickets without ski pass, only to attend the festival.