At first glance, choosing your ski helmet doesn't seem like it's going to be complicated. However, it is important that we take into account a series of factors that will make us choose the most suitable helmet for each of us. In addition, helmets are one of the most important materials for skiing since they will prevent us from hurting an area as delicate as the head while we slide through the snow.
You should always keep in mind that over the years, technology has advanced in and out of skiing. Now we have different types of helmets and, sometimes, it is difficult to know which one will be the most suitable for us. Many of you will think that the only important thing is going to be selecting the size of our head. However, as you will see in this article, there are many other factors that play a role.
First of all, you should measure your head well, and clean it in the store where you go to rent or buy your skis, or yourself with a measuring tape. If you choose the latter option, we recommend the following trick: start from the brow bone to the point where it is just above the ear. Finally, compare your measurement in this helmet size table that we leave you below.
The ski helmet should not be or too tight, because it will give us a headache, not too loose, since then it will not protect us.It is true that, once we reach adulthood, the size of our head does not usually grow. In this way, the size of the helmet will not vary much and, therefore, unlike children who are constantly growing, the helmet will serve you for many years. And if, even so, you feel insecure to choose the helmet on your own, do not forget that the specialist who is with you in the store will know how to indicate you.
Although it is important to choose the size of our helmet correctly, we can modify its size between 0 and 5 centimeters to adjust it to our head in the most precise way. A trick to know if the helmet is protecting you and that you wear it well adjusted, is the following: once you think it is fixed, move your head and if the hair and skin moves then it will be well adjusted. If the hull moves by itself, it will be out of adjustment, and if nothing moves, it will be out of adjustment. A helmet that is too tight can give you a headache.
It may be that we find helmets that have different systems to regulate the size. The most typical is the swivel wheel which gives you the advantage of adjusting your helmet once you're out on the slopes. On the other hand, there is the 3D system which is similar to the wheel, but with the addition that your goggle mask will also be adjusted, which ensures that there is no space between the goggles and the helmet as would happen in with the wheel.
Another less common system is that of padded or elastic, especially prevalent in children's helmets. As for the elastic, it consists of an elastic band that regulates the size, and different linings are supplied for the padding.
Any ski helmet has to give us protection guarantees and they do this by adjusting to the CE-EN1077 (European) or ASTM F-2040 (American) standard. Apart from this, if you are going to compete, it is necessary that your ski helmet is approved by the FIS (International Ski Federation) and have ASTM certification. The differences of these characteristics in each of the helmets are what will mark the price.
The helmets are provided with ventilation holes so that air can enter, which will be larger or smaller depending on the modality that we are going to practice. It is necessary for air to circulate to reach the right temperature. If you are concerned about ventilation, in our ski goggles you will also find openings through which air enters, discover Uller's ski goggles and combine them with your helmet!
The role of the helmet lining is of great importance for comfort. Also, normally these liners can be changed and washed.
Some more modern helmets have built-in headphones in each ear that are mostly used by freestyle riders. However, wearing headphones while skiing is still dangerous since it causes you to lose hearing and the probability of accidents is greater. From Uller we recommend that it be something you do in a controlled manner and only if you have extensive experience skiing.
Normally ski helmets weigh around 400 grams. Helmets are usually more or less light since most people are not used to wearing helmets, so if they weighed a lot, it would make us uncomfortable.
If you only like to ski in the resorts you can choose an affordable and versatile helmet with most of the features of helmets, adjustable ventilation, audio system…
However, if you master skiing and like to practice freeride a light helmet with ventilation is recommended. On the other hand, for cross-country or ski mountaineering , it will also be important that our helmets are lightweight and ultralight. They must also be ventilated since during climbs and walks the head can overheat. Some of these helmets comply with the EN 12492 standard, which is established for climbing and mountaineering.
To do freestyle the helmet will be really important because in this modality we risk falling the most. Therefore, the helmets are reinforced for skiing in open country.
Finally, for racing, competition alpine skiing and snowboard cross these helmets are designed to offer aerodynamic protection adapted to each discipline.
One of the elements that will determine the price of a ski helmet to a greater extent will be its technology, that is, the material with which it is made. This point is important since we must know this information in advance, taking into account each of its characteristics if we want to make the right choice of helmet. The four types of helmet technology are:
- In Mold Technology: it is responsible for molding the shell and the inner foam, making the helmet ultralight
- Double In Mold Technology: two protective structures are superimposed on the same helmet, which makes the helmets ultralight and easier to ventilate with self-regulating systems.
- ABS construction: it is the most normal helmet that we will find since it can be used for cycling, climbing or skiing. Its characteristics are its rigid foam covered by polycarbonate or plastic, as well as great resistance to shock and durability.
- Hybrid construction: it is a mix between ABS and Mold technology. This combination provides greater lightness and comfort.
Now that you know everything you need to know about ski helmets, what are you waiting for to choose yours? Enjoy the snow and sports with the peace of mind that comes from wearing a good helmet.