Discover the importance of wearing sports sunglasses!

Every good athlete should include sports glasses in their basic equipment, since they are a key element to protect the eyes from blows or solar radiation. However, many times we do not give sports glasses the importance they deserve, we sometimes use them as specific accessories and we do not have the acquired routine of putting them on every time we leave the house. This may be because we are not fully aware of the importance of wearing a good pair of sports glasses in every practice that takes place outdoors.

Why are sports glasses important?

The main function of sports glasses is, on the one hand, to protect us from any impact and, on the other, to act as a reflective screen against UV rays, against insects that may be in the environment, against branches that we can find ourselves on the road, dust, sand, stones that jump from the asphalt, or from the ground itself if we practice mountain sports.

Therefore, the simple fact of putting technical glasses on our eyes prevents us from possible eye injuries caused by a blow, shock, fall, or by radiation from the sun, should motivate us more to wear them. It is a very simple action that means a lot. And it is that one of these accidents could even cause problems in the cornea, internal bleeding, traumatic cataracts, or inflammation both in the eye and in the area that surrounds it. The idea with this is not to create panic or scare. When we practice adventure sports, and even some extreme sports, we understand that there are a series of associated risks. However, knowing how to take care of ourselves with the correct equipment is of the utmost importance. We will also have better sports performance if we are well equipped.

We find almost as many sports glasses as there are sports. Normally, athletes who practice outdoor activities are the ones who tend to use technical sports sunglasses the most, since they are more exposed to the possibility of suffering an accident, whether caused by an impact with a rival, by a accidental fall, or by the "simple" action of the sun on the eyes to which they are exposed. However, it is activities such as triathlon, trail running, running, cycling, windsurfing or skiing, and many more, that are most associated with the use of special lenses. It comes as no surprise that experts say that between 90% and 100% of eye problems caused by a blow could be avoided with a good pair of sports protection glasses.

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Why are sports glasses so effective?

When we ask ourselves about the effectiveness of wearing sports sunglasses, the answer is clear: their high performance. Both the frames and the lenses of quality sports glasses are made of highly impact resistant materials. There is a wide offer and variety in terms of the materials that make up the glasses depending on their quality, resistance, lightness and price, just like the ones you get at Uller®, according to the different collections available. The most commonly used materials are acetate, plastic, TR-90, aluminum, titanium, and there are even some glasses made of carbon fiber. We must be very careful in choosing the frame that we are going to use, since the needs that each sport requires vary a little, so the range of choice of sports sunglasses will also vary.

In addition to the frame, sports sunglasses have, like any other glasses, their corresponding lens, which is also designed to be used in carrying out a specific sport and is designed to give it a specific use. The lenses are large and enveloping, in charge of promoting our good sports performance, and taking our efficiency to the highest level; the visual demands are very different from one sport to another, so each lens will enhance some details or some tones more than others; seeing through our glasses means that we will be able to observe, or not, a certain detail, and that detail can make the difference between being first or second.

The most common material, and one of the best, with which the lenses of sports sunglasses are made is polycarbonate, as it has qualities that make it highly resistant to shocks. Logically, it is essential that the material of the lens withstands without breaking when it is hit by elements that can go at high speed, such as a ball thrown by an opponent, or a thick stone that has jumped from the asphalt, or even a branch of a tree that we have not detected until we have collided with it.

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A sports glasses for every sport!

There are sports that are especially sensitive and dangerous if we talk about the exposure to UV rays while practicing them; among these, we highlight skiing or snowboarding due to the vast expanses of snow (white and reflective), or sports such as windsurfing, and others in which we see ourselves facing vast expanses of equally reflective water. We spend many hours in a row doing these sports and sometimes we forget that snow greatly reflects the sunlight it absorbs, and the higher the altitude we are at, the greater the effect of the sun's rays on the snow. In this type of activity, having sports sunglasses is completely essential and necessary. However, in this type of sport it is much more common for athletes to be aware, because being surrounded by white snow (or water if applicable) and sunlight for more than 10 minutes, without protection, makes it almost impossible to get. In addition to skiing and snowboarding, the sports in which the greatest use of sports sunglasses is seen is cycling, running and trail running, baseball championships, golf, mountain sports and in tennis, among others, and all of them have different characteristics that will make their design, model and choice of sports glasses vary with a view to improving their sports performance.

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For those who do mountain sports, such as hiking or trail running, sports glasses with a thick lens and frame will guarantee resistance to any impact they may encounter on their way. In addition, they will favor ventilation and prevent fogging of the lenses, making the journeys more comfortable, both when going up to the top and when walking through the valleys. They also have an integrated side shield that blocks intense light and side glare. In the case of cyclists, the lenses usually have a thin frame, or directly dispense with the load of the frame, since what is sought with the use of sports sunglasses in the practice of this activity is to have a good width of the visual field. Both the frame and the lenses must be light and aerodynamic so as not to slow down the cyclist, and serve as an aid against the action of the wind in the eyes, which, if it were not for the glasses, would impede the cyclist's good visibility and make pedaling difficult. .

As for mountain sports, such as skiing and snowboarding, the ideal is to have polarized sports sunglasses, whose function is to filter the light that the lens receives from a specific direction. The most common is that the lenses are vertically polarized and with this, this horizontally incident light is blocked, which adapts very well to the needs that must be met when it comes to choosing sunglasses. sports. Ski and snow goggles usually also have an anti-fog system. This will help prevent fogging while doing the sport. Another must have for ski sports goggles is that they have an internal ventilation system.Only masks with anti-condensation technology will allow progressive air recirculation and guarantee better visibility. These glasses should fit your face and face correctly.They must have anti-slip adjustment straps to fix them well to your head and to the helmet, they must be light glasses.The ideal material is thermoplastic polyurethane, which provides the highest quality and lightness.

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In our sports optics brand Uller, we offer models of technical sports sunglasses designed for cycling, running, trail running and even water sportss . We are a brand specialized in offering sports products of the best quality and that offer the best benefits so that athletes feel safe and comfortable using them. The vast majority of our sports sunglasses have two interchangeable lenses, which offer greater dynamism, as they can be used both on sunny days and on days with bad conditions.

On the other hand, we have specific collections of glasses designed to be used for skiing and snowboarding. These goggles, in addition to having high technical features to guarantee the best performance and maximum reliability in the most extreme conditions during freeride practice, are polarized, adapt perfectly to the features of the face and are fully integrated into the helmet; they are prepared to take them to the maximum level of performance in the most adverse conditions, without ever leaving aside, of course, aesthetics. The designs of sports glasses are very original, they have a visual and simple aesthetic, which exudes an aura of elegance and class that infects whoever wears them.

You already know the importance and effectiveness of sports sunglasses, all you need to do is try them for yourself! Access the online store of our technical optical brand Uller sportswear so you don't run out of your pair of glasses, whatever your specialty.

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