beneficios de cilismo

Discover 5 immediate benefits of cycling!

Riding a bike is amazing! Just feel the breeze blowing on your face while you pedal through some of the most beautiful scenery in Spain or the world... You feel an air of freedom that few in your life have felt doing any other outdoor activity, without a doubt cycling is one of the best sports that you can practice here or in China.

It doesn't matter if you've been a fan of cycling for years or if you're just getting started in the world of cycling, the important thing is that you value the tremendous exercise that cycling in the open means for your body, mind and spirit. fresh air. Do you already know them? They are impressive and they are also many, but they are five great direct benefits that you feel immediately, at that very moment, right after you get off the bike, with a smile on your face and the desire to return to get on

Still not sure what they are? Discover with us the 5 immediate benefits of cycling! What are the benefits of riding a bike? Keep reading and find out!

beneficios de cilismo



Always remember that your body is your temple, and keeping it healthy is synonymous with well-being, vitality and health. And there is no doubt that cycling is one of the most ideal ways to take care of yourself by exercising the muscles almost completely, muscle by muscle. Also, it comes as no surprise to anyone that cycling is a great exercise to reduce abdomen and lose weight if you are looking to get in shape.

We already know, strengthening muscles is very important to maintain the health of our body. Never forget that the muscles are what support our skeleton! And riding a bike is one of the best physical exercises you can do to strengthen your muscles almost entirely and at the same time. In addition, it is an incredible recreational activity to practice in groups, with friends, with family or alone, almost anywhere in the world.

What muscles are exercised when we ride a bicycle?

Specifically, the muscles used in cycling are the gluteal muscles, the quadriceps, and the hamstrings, mainly. Keep in mind that the quadriceps are the large muscles in the front of the thigh, responsible for straightening the leg and pushing the pedal down, which in its movement exercises the gluteals and hamstrings that are on the opposite side of the quadriceps. In addition, depending on the terrain and the handlebars used, the upper body muscles will also be involved. In this case, the biceps would be used, and then, when using rest bars while riding, the triceps are worked to support the weight of the body. Also, although to a lesser extent, the muscles in the back and abdominal region are used for stabilization while on the bike. The best of all is that it is an activity that is indicated for people of all ages without any distinction according to the possibilities of each individual. From children to our elders, they can be able to get on a bicycle, ride and enjoy all the benefits that this discipline has to offer.

How does cycling benefit my body?

I'm sure riding a bike will save you a ton of common ailments that arise with age or lack of physical activity! In fact, cycling has been proven to help prevent diseases such as diabetes and cancer, as well as more common diseases, muscle pain, hip pain, back pain, and also because it helps with posture. What's happening? That cycling helps to strengthen muscles precisely, and having strong muscles is key to having a healthy body and efficient health. Without a doubt, cycling will help you take care of your body even from day 1.

In addition, by pedaling you are boosting your immune system and helping your body to lose fat, burn blood sugar, improve blood flow, reduce cholesterol levels, increase cardiovascular and pulmonary strength, and, well, strengthen muscles to improve your bone density. So if you haven't started with this sport, it's a good time to give your body a chance to get rid of any ailment and boost itself with all the benefits of cycling.

beneficios de cilismo


Are you one of those people who practices mindfulness, meditation, yoga or any other activity indicated to clear your mind and feed your adventurous spirit? Surely you wouldn't think that cycling , despite being a physical exercise, would be an option ideally indicated precisely for them, to help the cyclist improve his mental vitality and not just his physical one. Going out to ride a bike means many things for our body but... What about our spirit? Undoubtedly, we all need to take as much care of ourselves both externally and internally. There's nothing like taking your mind off the daily hustle and bustle of social responsibilities like doing it when you're out on your bike. The excess of information that we receive at work, at home, on social networks, in the news... everything is a possible cause of unnecessary stress for our body. In fact, it has been proven that stress is the direct cause of degenerative diseases, and conditions in our neurons and in our immune system.

The best way to deal with this is to take time to let the mind rest. The good thing about cycling in this case is that it turns out to be a physical activity that allows you to do just that despite the fact that the body is doing physical exercise. Amazing, right? This is given for many reasons, but the main one is that we free ourselves from scenarios that allow the body to feel in another place and with this, help the mind to rest from annoying worries. Have you ever felt it?

The truth is that few worries can resist a bike ride. You already feel it yourself: while you pedal, your problems lose importance and are left in the background. Finally, getting off the bike translates into indescribable peace because you are feeling the endorphins working, making my day happy, relaxing your mind and strengthening your body with a good dose of serotonin. So welcome good humor, goodbye to stress and anxiety. Pedal until you leave everything behind!

beneficios de ciclismo


What has been said: after your body has felt so much the flow of emotions of liberation, of blood flow and of muscular strengthening, well at some point it is time to stop. stop and feel everything you have to feel, especially well-being. And now that it is time to rest, you will notice that your body has effectively freed itself of many things and that it is ready to really rest. So one of the direct benefits of riding a bike is that you literally sleep better that night. Without a doubt, it will be one of the best breaks of your life.

You might wake up with sore muscles if you're not used to that kind of running but that just means your muscles are getting stronger. You will undoubtedly wake up refreshed on many levels that you may not realize at first, but your body and mind have left a lot behind. In addition, it has been proven that cycling helps combat insomnia, which affects more than 20% of the Spanish population. The good thing about cycling is that it helps you sleep deeper though not necessarily more, helping you really rest and repair your muscle and brain cells.

As we said before, the bike can become one of the most ideal antidotes to deal with conditions that interrupt sleep, such as stress, anxiety or hormonal imbalance. Nothing like a good night's sleep!


Another of the immediate benefits of cycling is that you open the door to a new fun hobby that benefits your life in multiple ways but can also be done alone or with others. You can contact people who share your same hobby and plan common routes. This is an excellent way to motivate yourself on days when fatigue can be more or encourage you to visit new locations inside and outside the country. As long as the restrictions allow us, of course!

Living new experiences is gratifying at the moment and also because of the memories that will remain in your memory for years!

beneficios de cilismo


Another of the benefits of getting on the bike and pedaling and pedaling is precisely that, that you can pedal and pedal and pedal when you want, how you want and where you want. Remember that it is always best to sit down and plan the place you want to visit beforehand, especially if you haven't seen it before, but cycling and cycle touring are incredible sports to get carried away by nature and discover new places, one of a kind, new to you, and great for telling your next adventure stories.

Do you already know all the new places you can visit? For cycling lovers there are incredible places in Spain where you can practice cycling. In fact, cycling in Spain has become one of the coolest physical activities this year! This activity perfectly combines the best of recreational cycling with adventure tourism. Tourist cycling also allows you to travel long distances on a bike without competing with anyone, while freely enjoying the route that you have set for yourself.

That said: it's an incredible way to do physical exercise, mental exercise, get to know new places and have a great time on walks alone, or with colleagues and family. Normally, tourist cycling is done for the mere pleasure of riding and learning, leaving competitiveness aside. Many cycling lovers choose to set personal and specific goals in terms of distance and time. And the best thing is that cycling tours can last days, weeks, months and even years if we set our minds to it.

In case you are thinking of an ideal place for this, some of the best places in Spain to cycle and do cycling are:

  • The Way to Santiago de Compostela
  • The Pyrenees
  • The Way
  • From Levante
  • Majorca
  • Way Of The
  • Silver
  • Camino Real
  • From Guadalupe
  • Transcantabrica

Have you ridden them before? Leave us a comment below and tell us about your experience!

beneficios de ciclismo

Some additional information that may interest you!

What should I bring when cycling?

The equipment and tools that you take on your cycling trip will always depend on the location, the duration and the type of tour we do, so you should prepare more and better as your tour longer and the terrain more demanding. Most likely, for your cycling trip you will need:

  • Appropriate clothing according to the weather
  • Sports shoes
  • Bike glasses
  • Bike helmet
  • Tent if you spend a few nights out and the location is ideal for it.
  • Refreshment: food, snacks, water and sports drinks.
  • Basic cooking materials if needed.
  • Bicycle with special features and basic tools according to the demands of your journey.

beneficios de ciclismo

How to choose the best bicycle glasses for cycling?

  • The best bicycle glasses will always be those that meet the best quality standards endorsed by the EU. Take a good look at the warranty stickers that have UV400 protection to protect you from the sun's ultraviolet rays.
  • Think about the demands of the sport you are going to do, and the moment (day or season) in which you will travel the cycle touring route. Remember that not all bicycle glasses are the same.
  • Choose bicycle glasses made of light and resistant materials that fit very well on your face.
  • Look for bicycle glasses with interchangeable lenses so that it is easier for you to modify the lens you need if there is excess or lack of light on the route.
  • Don't buy flea market bike glasses. They will not protect you from anything and will also damage your eyesight when using them.
  • If it suits you better, you can choose to buy your bicycle glasses online by following this practical guide to buy glasses online. That way it will be more comfortable and easier for you!
  • Think about the time of day and the weather, bike glasses and their lens color behave differently when exposed to different weather conditions.
  • Think about your eyes. Wearing bicycle glasses is essential to prevent eye diseases such as cataracts, melanomas, and even take care of eye cancer.

beneficios de ciclismo

Don't forget! Cycling is amazingly benefits in many ways but here are the 5 immediate benefits of cycling:

  • Take care of your body
  • Take care of your mind
  • Sleep better
  • Discover unique places
  • Start a new hobby

And you, are you a cycling lover as much as we are?

Salud y Entrenamiento

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