máscaras de esquí mas vendidas en 2020

Our best selling ski goggles in 2020!

Despite the fact that 2020 has been an atypical year and a little more difficult than we could ever imagine. in which we would have liked to have more snow and more opportunity to do. Not everything has been bad! Some of our riders little by little have had the opportunity to come into contact with nature and snow again, and that has not made a lot of joy, as long as the epidemiological situation allows them. This is how many of the riders who trust the snow goggles Uller® have had the chance to get on the mountain as soon as they The first snows have fallen. As always, they have not hesitated to use their ski masks for the occasion, while protecting their eyes with the latest in optical quality.

Do you want to know which ski goggles have been preferred by our freeriders? As you know, Uller® is a brand of sports optics created by and for top-level sports lovers. For this reason, our products offer high technical performance to guarantee the best performance and maximum reliability in the harshest conditions during professional sports practice.

máscaras de esquí mas vendidas en 2020

Despite the fact that this year 2020 has been somewhat strange, at Uller® we have wanted to continue offering our freeriders and athletes the highest possible quality so that the experience in the sport always remains optimal, no matter what happens . And we think we have succeeded! Our ski and snowboard goggles are created by and for freeriders, and this year they were the first to put them to the test! Our ski goggles are created based on the needs that our team of freeriders demand both for the product and for comfort. It is once they have been tested that we collect all the necessary information to be able to develop the necessary modifications in the factory until the requirements are met. For this reason they are premium products of the highest level! And not only do we say so, but our riders and professional athletes are very happy with them. Not only have we seen their incredible desire to finally go down their favorite slopes, but their Uller® ski goggles were with them at all times!

máscaras de esquí mas vendidas en 2020

Our freeriders and athletes from the Uller® team have enjoyed, whenever possible during this 2020, all our products to the fullest. But it seems that one has been his favourite, can you imagine what it could be? How could it be otherwise, the Freeride V2 ski goggles have earned a place in the heart of our team! The different range of colors and their comfort have made them the perfect complement for all our freeriders. Our athletes know for sure that at Uller® we have the most advanced optical technology in the world.

That is why our ski goggles with High Tech Performance Optics X-POLAR lenses achieve a definition and clarity above normal that allows us a spectacular contrast and color. Vision on the ski slopes is super important to us. We know that our riders practice an adventure sport that requires the highest quality of vision and know that they can count on our Uller® at all times despite the fact that the day can get ugly up there in terms of weather conditions. You never know when a blizzard might hit you!

And they are for both boys and girls! The fact that ski goggles come with interchangeable magnetic lenses has blown our minds away from our freeriders. This model of ski goggles includes the magnetic lens exchange system. This means that you can quickly and easily change the lens at any time. Our team of athletes has seen a unique opportunity in this feature, since depending on the weather conditions of the day in the mountains, they could choose which lens to use!

máscaras de esquí mas vendidas en 2020

Also, the ease with which the lens of our ski goggles is changed is a favorite of our riders. In just two seconds! Two different lenses are included in the box: one perfect for sunny days, and a secondary one for days with low visibility and bad conditions.

It's a true two-in-one! Likewise, the internal ventilation system with anti-condensation for progressive air recirculation guarantees visibility at all times and our riders are in optimal conditions at all times to go down the mountain.Among our main objectives is that our professional athletes practice their favorite sport within the maximum safety and compliance in terms of vision. That's why our riders choose our ski goggles Uller®, because both those who have tried them and those who are new here always want more.

But the ski goggles Freeride V2 have not only been the favorites of our athletes! How could it be otherwise, the elegance and style of our ski goggles Avalanche have completely won over our riders. In grey, green, blue and black, but keeping at all times that distinction that defines them. And it is that the ski goggles Avalanche contain polarized photochromic lenses that adapt their brightness to the weather conditions.

máscaras de esquí mas vendidas en 2020

Thanks to its versatility, it offers our riders a very high performance both on sunny days and on days with bad weather conditions, be it fog, snow, rain... In addition, its X-POLAR lenses have a protection system Dual Layer AntiFog double layer to prevent fogging with UV-400 protection. That is why it is considered the most technologically advanced lenses on the market!

At Uller® we are clear about our priorities: that our riders always find with our ski goggles the optimal conditions to be able to practice their favorite sport. The great sharpness of our glasses manages to increase the contrast and fidelity of the colors, thus improving the vision of the environment and the relief. What does that mean? Enjoy the mountains and nature with one of the best ski goggles on the market. With a product that is not simply a complement to wear on a snowy day, but that allows you to perform your favorite sport in a more optimal and safe way in the mountains.

máscaras de esquí mas vendidas en 2020

Without a doubt, 2020 has motivated us to have an even better 2021 in terms of product quality. We want to continue betting on freeride and mountain sports as our way of drawing freedom and inspiring ourselves to always offer optimal conditions and quality as our athletes and riders deserve.

For this very reason... Have you already seen our new collection of ski goggles? We let you gossip through our website. We only have a little clue: those who have tried them have already loved them! From Uller® we have our batteries recharged and our eyes set on a 2021 with lots of riding, lots of snow, lots of sports and above all, adrenaline and fun! What are you waiting for? 2021 comes loaded with news and we want you to be here so you don't miss a single detail.

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