usas mascaras de nieve

Tell us which snow mask you use and we'll tell you who you are!

To Caesar what is Caesar's! When we think of snow goggles the first thing we think of is quality, comfort, high performance and good value for money. But sometimes we forget something very very important. our snow masks SAYS A LOT ABOUT US.

Even if you don't believe it, wearing snow maskse or others will surely reveal much more about you than you thought, the attitude you wear when you go on the slopes and off them, and above all the things that excite you the most!

Are you skiing? Are you snowboarding? The important thing is that you are an inveterate lover of snow and powder! At Uller® we create snow goggles for skiing and snowboarding by and for freeriders at heart, because we are too. But it is true that at the same time, we are clear that the design of our snow goggles is totally linked to the personality of our athletes. We know how important fashion can be when it comes to clothing and snow accessories! High performance and cool models? Nothing cools more, you'll see! Well, you know that too for sure, but you didn't know everything your snow mask can say about you and your personality!

Our optimal sports brand wants our sports lovers to enjoy at the highest level but at the same time.That they will undoubtedly feel comfortable and comfortable with the ski goggles they have chosen!

First of all we know that our snow goggles are an essential complement in the development of a mountain descent. Not only because they cover our eyes and protect us from any kind of danger, but they are also a way of transmitting the traits that identify our sporting style and our way of being.

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From the colors and shapes, to the type of lens... EVERYTHING can be completely related to our tastes and ways of seeing life, always keeping one thing clear: adventure is what we like. For this reason, we are clear that our Uller® if there is something they have is a variety of style that surely fits with the most dedicated freeriders as surely you are. After so many years working with freeriders and for freeriders, we believe that we can tell you a little about the personality of our athletes when it comes to choosing snow goggles.

As for the lenses, if you are one of those who likes to wear those ski goggles with cylindrical lenses that are flat, in 2D, surely you would prefer to have a wider horizontal visual field before your eyes. This type of snow masks is what he offers to those who wear them. Also, skiers like its vintage look.

They give a feeling of having been rolling down the mountain for a longer time. These types of lenses often make us think that those who wear them are not the first time they have been there: we see them on potholes, in snowparks, and they always wear both snow goggles and the rest of sportswear very well combined. How cool are they!

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On the other hand, if you like spherical lenses, which are 3D, it's because you prefer vertical and horizontal visual fields. If you dare with this type of snow goggles possibly you are a daring person who is not afraid to try new models and on top of that, you love ski goggles! These types of people usually have more than one snow goggle at home. They like to keep changing and above all, being able to take selfies in the cool landscapes that are reflected in their lenses!

And what about the colors? How will you know, something that is left over in the snow are the colors. The reason for this is that the white color of snow makes any type of color more reflective than in a normal situation. For this reason, many people prefer to wear the most striking ski goggles, with strong colors, even fluorescent, and others, however, opt for snow goggles with warmer or basic colors.

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If you are one of those who prefers that type of snow goggles whose lens radiates all the colors of the rainbow, surely you are one of those who signs up for all the most extreme adventures, you have worked hard to acquire your expertise and you are not afraid to show it to the world. You try new jumps, new paths, even knowing that there might be a surprise! You usually combine your ski goggles with all the colors you can find and snow fashion is something you love. Your suitcase when you go up the mountain with your friends is one of the heaviest!

If you prefer more monochromatic snow goggles, you will surely take your professionalism to the extreme, and you will surely transfer this sobriety to many other aspects of your day-to-day sports.People who have been freeriding for a long time have tried all kinds of ski goggles and at the end of the day, instead of being guided solely by the coolest colors that exist to choose from, perhaps they would prefer to stick with the product that gives them a true quality.

Despite this, it doesn't mean you're not a freeride freak! You're in for everything but you might not be posing as much as the rest of your friends with your snow goggles snow, right?

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What is clear is that for many people the ski and mountain resorts are a place to practice their favorite sport but at the same time, give free rein to their personality.

Dress with those colors that they like, feel free and not judged by what they say. Despite the fact that at all times, as in any extreme sport, comfort and safety is the most important thing, at Uller® we are clear that style must never be left behind.

And you, which snow masks do you like the most? Do not forget to take a look at our website and discover that model with which you feel totally comfortable and identified. Here's to a 2020 full of snow, style and color!

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Moda y Tendencias Life Style

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